Why this blog

In this post, I intend to explain why I decided to create this blog.

Short explanation: I am beginning my training as a slave of my Domina, Shelle Rivers, and I would like to document as much as possible my moods and thoughts through this thrilling journey.

Long explanation: continue reading.

Erotic Hypnosis

I will not talk too much about a Mistress/slave relationship nor how thrilling, and enriching could be this kind of liaison. All that I can say is that it is an excellent way for knowing better yourself and at the same time to enjoy intense and greatest pleasures. When the domination occurs through erotic hypnosis, then you can enjoy a very intense flood of erotic experiences reserved for a very few who have the material means to live them.

How would it be possible to live experiences, and some erotics, without physical means? For instance, without the presence of your eventual lover. Perhaps sometime you have wondered yourself how it feels a homosexual sexual relation? What would you think different? Well, for this kind of "logistic" problems is where the hypnosis intervenes.

All your experiences take place in our mind, under chemical exchanges, neural electrical transmissions and other things that do not matter to know precisely at this moment. All that matters is to understand that everything happens in our brain. As a naive and extreme indication, think that if we died, all external events will continuing happening, but we will not experience them longer. The neuroscience has demonstrated this. In the end, everything we live occurs there, in our mind. If you do know too much about this area of science, then I recommend you "The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness" of Antonio Damasio, a famous researcher in the Neuroscience field. For summarising, since the experiences happen in mind, you can, with the appropriate means or techniques, to live a lot of experiences intensively without the need for a physical environment where such encounters take place. 

There are several ways for making than a mind feels events without a physical environment where those events take place. One consists of reproducing the same chemicals and electrical stimulus that take place when someone lives a specific experience. For example, when you swim, some sensations translate to chemical and electrical exchanges. If one manages for reproducing exactly those chemical and electrical exchanges, then you will swim, even if you are not inside a swimming pool. Currently, experiences of this type are reproduced on simpler beings, like insects. Also, as a particular reference, I recommend watching two chapters of the famous TV science series "Star Trek" (just the original) called "The Menagerie", which was a few decades ahead of the discoveries that science would bring us later.

Another way for living experiences without a physical environment where real events happen is through hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a process for inducing a deep state of relaxation where your conscious mind shuts down and your unconscious mind resurfaces, is exposed, to the hypnotist and yourself.

The conscious mind is a very narrow point of the iceberg of the mind, the interface to the external world. We forge our conscious mind through our existence according to our circumstances. We need it for getting us involved in our quotidian lives as rational beings immersed in a culture. But the unconscious mind stores what we actually want, what we actually know, and mostly what we actually are. Think about, for example, when you ride a bike. Which mind is operating? Do you need to think about riding it? Do you need to think about the problems your brain has to solve when you ride it? If, for example, an obstacle appears to you, do you consciously ask or tell yourself, hey, I must dodge that stone, and for that, I will do this? No, you don't do it consciously, rationally. It is your unconscious mind which leads the process and takes the decisions.

The hypnosis process is directed by a person specialised in inducing that state. I don't know this subject enough. The only thing I have to say here at first is that there are two types of skills in this world: the ability to induce a trance and the ability to explore and handle the vast world of the unconscious mind. The hypnotist must be skilled for putting you on a deep and lasting trance. But you also need a hypnotist with abilities for discovering the things stored in your mind, decide with you which ones are suitable for exploring them, and eventually what new things you are willing to accept the hypnotist stores in your unconscious mind. Remember, what is stored into your unconscious mind will become part of your reflexes (as to ride a bike).

In summary, through hypnosis, a hypnotist can:
  • Help you to discover the plenty world of your unconscious mind.
  • Guide you to live experiences without the need for physical means, just your imagination.


Think about the word "desire", that intense and deep feeling, sometimes irresistible, of wanting to have or to live an experience. Now, an essential condition for desire is that the target of the attraction is restricted. No one desires what one already has. And this is pretty true when we talk about our sexuality. The trick for having healthy, intense and lasting sexual relationships (not exactly sexual encounters) consists of never give up altogether. It could sound paradoxical, but once you give everything to your lover, soon this one will stop desiring you. The art of having a healthy couple sexual relationship is to keep a level of restrictions that maintains desire as well as creating new constraints. Many couples (included me), unconsciously fail in this without any bad intention. In a certain way, it is understandable that after many years, the range of restrictions that keeps burning the flame of desire is exhausted and with it the sexual life of a couple. Of course, it is not ideal, but it happens often.

When you live a sexual relationship with a dominant partner, besides you accept that you will be submissive, that opens up a broad set of restrictions that continually renews and maintains your sexual desire. When the dominant partner is aware of this kind of relationship, she is naturally prepared for handling your desire. If she knows very well about domination techniques, then she is still better prepared for igniting sexual passion. If she knows you very well, then she knows what are the buttons to press to make you happy. Now, assume that she has access to your mind and the power for putting feelings and experiences on your mind. It is here where the hypnosis is fantastic as it is the mean that she uses for knowing you and getting complete control of your arousal.

As a clarification, I do not mean that a dominant/submissive relationship is the unique or best way for getting great sexual experiences. There are many more ways.

Domination, sexual pleasure and hypnosis

I have already said that a part of a desire underlies on restrictions, and the sex is not excluded. Also, I have mentioned why a dominant woman can control and handle the sexual desire of a male by restricting him. Now, when the dominant woman is a highly skilled hypnotist, then domination is more natural and intense. As a hypnotised man, little by little, you are opening to her, and not only the surface of your conscious mind, but the depths of your unconscious mind, which creates a first and tight bond, as you feel vulnerable before a person that knows you very well. She can understand you a lot better than yourself.

Under hypnosis, you are focused on the experience that the trance intends to make you live. You live very intense sexual experiences as if they took place in reality. On the other hand, hypnosis allows you to live fantasy situations, the ones you read in fairy tales, science fiction, and in general of any kind.

The dominatrix not only can know very well your desires and the ways for exploiting them, restricting them, satisfying them and putting you crazy of rapture and more passion, but she can plant you new desires.

My decision to become a slave of Shelle Rivers

I met my Domina about six years ago. I still remember exactly the feeling of wonder the first time she put me on trance. I barely remember that I started to listen to her and puff! I passed out. She woke me up in the middle of an intense and desperate orgasm. I knew then that she had caught me forever, that I would be for her forever.

I had started to explore her hypnotic world, and I was already ready for being contracted when some life circumstances forced me to take distance. But through these years, no day in my life has passed without remembering her. Since then, she has not left any aspect of my life.

Now that I have resolved the issues that kept me away from her, I am ready to resume my slavery to her. I contacted her, and after some conversations, she has given the extraordinary opportunity of becoming her slave.

Why I decided to write this blog

When I decided to contact my Domina again, I noticed some differences in my writing style, and in my way of thinking. When we resumed our relationship, I wrote to her in a more calm tone, which I did not remember having other times that I wrote to her. In the past, and unavoidably now or very soon, every time that I wrote to her, I was euphoric, usually just out of one of her trances, as my prose was plenty of bombasts. I noticed this only by luck when I came back on one of my preliminary emails for reviewing what I had said, and I could compare myself. Next, I examined the reviews that her submissive wrote on her recordings and I noticed the same thing. As well as me, they write under a frenzied state. 

It is perfectly understandable; we all are under her domain of influence. With its different nuances, we all converge to its magical and hypnotic world of slavery.

I am still some aware of myself, but I know that very soon I will fall forever and I will forget who I was. I will converge and become my Domina's absolute slave. But before that, without any pretension of resistance, at the contrary, I am giving myself voluntarily, I want to have a light chance to remember what I was before to surrender to feet of my amazing and unique Domina, Shelle Rivers, my Owner.
