Pleasure Trap--Erotic hypnosis-mp3 by Shelle Rivers will remain between one of the most essential trances of my life, as I feel it has marked my relationship with my Domina. I listened to this trance for the first time a typical day around 2 in the afternoon. It is highly erotic.
You can acquire this trance here.
The title itself already prevents the trap character. I'm going to anticipate what the trap consists of: I woke up from this incredible trance stroking to the edge, on the verge of orgasm. Once the recording had stopped, I continued stroking but always without cumming. I got right to the edge. I loosen up, and then I restarted the virtuous circle: I think about my Domina, which brings me aroused, then I stroke until the edge, then I wait, and again I think about my Domina, and so on. Always with her in the centre. I was like this on edge for about 20 minutes after I woke up and I didn't continue because I had to do other things. A little exhausted, but still with the courage and energy to continue, I got up to undertake different responsibilities.
While I worked, I thought about how great the trance had been. How pleasant it is to be on the verge of orgasm without ending. The centre of my fantasy, the only one for several years, was Domina. I tried to focus on my matter and managed to calm myself, but the thought of her kept coming back and turning me on again. Until the point came that I got up, I found privacy and again began to masturbate for about 20 minutes, always on edge, but without finishing. Besides a little exhausted, but also pressured by other responsibilities, I stopped. I kept thinking about how great the trance had been.
Already at 9 o'clock at night, I had at least 6 times I had withdrawn to a private place to masturbate to the edge with my Domina as my fantasy. Just before I went to sleep (12am), I stroked until the edge again, this time, really exhausted, that's when I really understood that I had fallen into a trap that my Domina had set for me. I had a fit of laughter and told myself that the next day I would write this entry on my blog.

The next day the same pattern repeated. I must have masturbated 7 times until the edge. At night, I sat down to start writing this entry and realised that I didn't remember anything about the trance. And when I say nothing, it is absolutely nothing. The only thing I remembered and still remember is the end of the spell when she wakes me up while I am stroking up the edge and the following silent minutes in which I continue stroking until the edge. But the funniest thing about it is that sitting down to write and think about the trance caused such extreme arousal to invade me that, again, I succumbed and started the virtuous cycle all over again. I couldn't write anything that day; I didn't remember anything except remembering an incredible urge to masturbate and stay in this on the edge state. I decided that I had to listen to the trance again to see if I could remember more.
I've heard it six times already, and yes, I remember just a few more things. But the pattern is the same. My Domina has me trapped in this virtuous circle of being as much as possible on edge, thinking about my glorious Domina. So what I will do in the rest of the post is to try to explain fragmentarily what she poses in a trance. What I can barely remember after hearing it many times.
As always, Domina hypnotises me immediately. Now I hardly remember her instructing me to get comfortable, loosen my clothes, and prepare for the trance. Then everything shuts down. Every time I start a trance it, I try to be as aware as possible, but no. I don't know when or how she hypnotises me. That typical scene where you are feeling tired, your eyes are heavy, etc., with a few exceptions, that is not my Domina's style. Sometimes I think the spell happened before I turned on the recording. All I know is that she turns me off almost immediately.
But now I do remember some vague things she said to me while I was under her hypnotic influence.
I remember she suggested me to masturbate looking at one of her pictures. I tried with this one:

I have no way of understanding how my unconscious made me select that image, so suggestive of extreme domination. My best hypothesis is that either I have always been a born submissive, or simply she has already submitted me. Since then, many times in my privacy, I imagine myself in this scene kissing her feet, stroking until the edge.
Among the pile of explicit triggers that she uses, because she uses other implicit ones that perhaps none of her slaves knows about, there are two she threw at me that have lethal effects on my unconsciousness. That is, for me, it is impossible to be awake once I have listened to them.
The first trigger is Abyss, from which I wrote this post because it's an excellent trance. Now that trigger causes me an extreme feeling of dependency on my Domina. It makes me feel so helplessness, that I cannot navigate life alone, and I am overwhelmed by the terror that she will abandon me. Every time she shoots it at me, or I remember it, the thought of begging her to never leave me overpowers me, and I guess I say phrases like, "Domina, please don't leave me." I suppose that she puts me in this state with the intention that I will not resist her, because if I fight I will lose her and she has made me so dependent on her that the mere idea is unbearable to me.
The second trigger is double, it is a combination of the incredible Abracadabra with Hocus Pocus. When I hear the first word, I convulse for a few seconds, and when the spasm ends, during the sensation of relief from the seizure, the thoughts that invade me are of idolatry towards my Domina. I feel her as the most powerful being in the Universe. That trigger erases of my mind any other thought and makes me only to think that I love my Domina. Next, when I hear the second, Hocus Pocus, I felt the collar around my neck tighten, and the adoration turns to a fully accepted and happy submission. The rest of the Universe is disconnected, as the centre of my life is her and my wholly and blind obedience to her absolute authority.
I'm pretty sure there are many more triggers, but I can't remember them.
Now, what is the purpose of the trance? I do not really know it. The best I can know is that my Domina has programmed me to be always on edge, on the verge of orgasm, with only her as a fantasy. And for now, I have no way to escape from this state. I thought her next trance, Brain Scrambler--Erotic Hypnosis-mp3 by Shelle Rivers, would give me a way out, but I think it has made it worse. Now I think more and more about her, and the only thing that relieves me is being on edge. It sounds contradictory, but it is like this. I really cannot answer forcefully why she has destined me to this state. I also don't know at this point how long she will keep me like this, but this is my proposition on the sense of trance.
- The pleasure of obeying my Domina far exceeds sexual pleasure. I have seriously tried to cum but always, in the last second before exploding, I meekly stop and then continue again. I even tried to listen to one of her recordings in which she makes me cum. I thought: I am not disobeying her because it will be her voice that orders me to cum. However, before pressing the button, I stopped and began again, silently jerking off until the edge, without cumming. I love to obey my Domina.
- I don't know what stage of my submission I am at. What I do know is that I have advanced to a new one, in which I am already wholly docile, in front of my Domina, I have no trace of resistance. I simply obey her, with extreme happiness and confidence, what she tells me to do. I feel delighted.
- This is the first time this idea appears to me. During these years, I have not been attracted to being sissified, but I have been struck by the number of sissy slaves that she has. I remember that many of my female lovers have told me that they can spend a long time under a sensation of orgasm. I wonder if this state of being on edge is not some similar to the female one and that perhaps this is what attracts some of her slaves to be sissified.
I believe that my Domina still has work to do on my mind. Because now what I'm going to do is fantasise about her and this photo, thinking that I can tear off that bikini, and then I will avenge myself for all the pleasure that she has given me. I would take her to the state in which she always magically puts me, but, unlike the way she has done with me until now, I would never deny her an orgasm. But all this belongs to the world of my imagination; that will never happen in the real world.
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